Oh man, I Can Just Picture it Now

From the Associated Press:
MURRELLS INLET, S.C. - Republican presidential candidate John McCain told voters Wednesday that if he becomes commander in chief he'll brief the public biweekly from the Oval Office on developments in the Iraq war.
McCain decried the idea of a timeline for U.S. withdrawal from the country, saying it would spawn chaos, and committed to a long-term fight on terrorism. "We're going to win. We will. We will never surrender".
Sure. Ok. This is just exactly what we need. We'd have a President who would go on TV twice a month and blow happy smoke up our ass about Iraq. After his stroll through that Baghdad market and his mindless, idiotic statements about the conditions in Iraq post-surge, I have no doubts that his so-called briefings from the Oval Office would be nothing more than a dishonest sell-job for perpetual war in the middle east.
Sorry, this is off the topic of your post. I wanted to comment on your comment at... um, where was it? Anyway, you wrote:
...most mass killers or spree killers like this stop before they are stopped. Killing is emotionally very draining, and even in cases like Columbine the killers just burn out their rage and have nothing behind it to sustain their lethality. So in most cases, the number of victims is constrained by the sudden leaden sense of numbness, the emptiness in your soul, the feeling, despite how you started, that you just don’t want to kill any more.
That's very interesting. Here's a related point I read about: it seems that 100% of an (admittedly small) sample of people trying to commit suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge changed their minds and regretted their decision to jump immediately after letting go and beginning their fall.
So, how did you find out about the numbness and emptiness eventually felt by most killers toward the end of their shooting sprees?
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